Ben and Vicky's Wedding Scrapbook

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Slash and cut

Bridal Shoot_pink bg

We were at City Square today to see the results of our bridal shoot. Reaching Dawn, we were immediately given two albums laid out with photos. There were probably over 300 photos in that stack and we had the enviable task, like so many wedding couples, before us to cut them down to only 30.

We browsed through the first time before the fun began.

Too much posing, cut! I looked fat in there, cut! We look funny doing that, cut! Before long, we were done with our first round of slashing and cutting. The ones we took with our evening wear were all cut out as we felt we looked unnatural in the many poses that we were asked to execute. Well, the fast first round elimination also meant that we were not impress with the some of the photographers style.

Anyway, the next few rounds of elimination were slightly tougher as we had to put some thought on photos which looked good, photos which looks good in a series, and to ensure that we had a good variation of poses and colour. But we still completed it all within 3 hours, while sticking to our original number.

Of course there were couple of regrets, but overall we were sure we had the best shots in the bag. Now we just have to wait for another month before we see the designs.


Eternity said...

i'm so impressed you guys managed to keep to just 30! well done!! :)

benauhc said...

we had to be brutal to be kind to our pockets :p