Ben and Vicky's Wedding Scrapbook

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Registration Day

In the eyes of the law, we are already leaglly married. Some may call themselves engaged till the ceremony, but we always considered ourselves married. We inked the mariage contract a year ago on 11 November in a small event in Muar. Only our immediate family was in attendance in the Hakka Association Hall on that Saturday morning.

I still remembered vivdly that I was feeling feverish that morning, not from nerves but from a bout of food poisoning. I did my best to hide my discomfort as we went through the reading of oaths, signing of papers and photo taking session. I remembered that I could only stare at the food when we sat down for lunch at 'Sin KeeTing' restaurant.

That will definitely be a day to remember. Later on I was reminded by a friend that the fifth anniversay of our Marriage Registration date will be on 11.11.11. I guess I have only myself to blame if I forget that date!

Ben & Vicky 2

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