Ben and Vicky's Wedding Scrapbook

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Countdown begins

30 DAYS to Go!

Time sure flies. There's only 30 days to go till May 24th. I just put up a 'To Do' list on the board. It reads :
1) Church Booklet (just have to add on a small part but I got to rearrange the whole booklet to do that!)
2) Scan photos (ok, that was the easy part, now to do the slides ...)
3) Find church organist (almost there, please please play for me ...)
4) Buy Guest Book and Money Box (should be the easiest task on the list)
5) Order flowers for church pews (what goes with gerberas?)
6) Find a MP3 player (next will be a projector ...)

this is not the end. the list continues to grow. it's a growing living organism that multiplies when you think too deeply into things.

1 comment:

Sophia said...

we have a mp3 player and a cd radio if u need one